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Honors & Memorials

Are you looking to make a tribute gift in honor or memory of a loved one or cherished pet?

Honor a Dog or CatSave-A-Pet is deeply honored to be the recipient of a donation that is given in honor or in memory of a loved one. To make a donation in honor or in memory of a family member, friend, or pet, please click HERE or the button below. If you’d like, we will also send an acknowledgement to the person of your choosing letting them know that you have given in on behalf of them, their loved one, or event.

Click or Tap Here to Make a Donation In Honor Of or In Memory of a Loved One

Other ways to honor someone or commemorate a significant event include:

  • Purchase a leaf with a personal engraved message on our Tree of Hope
    • Cost is $1,000
    • Placed on our Tree of Hope located in our main hallway
  • Purchase an engraved brick to be placed in our Memorial Garden
      • Cost is $125
      • Minimum of three lines
      • Up to 15 characters per line which includes spaces, punctuation marks, and symbols such as a heart or paw print.
      • Placed in our outside Memorial Garden.

    Click or Tap Here to Purchase a Leaf or Brick

We are happy to work with you on other sponsorship and naming opportunities.

For complete details, please contact the Development Department at

You can also sponsor a Cat Condo or a Dog Kennel to honor a loved one. Click HERE to be redirected to our Condo/Kennel Sponsorship page.