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Community Events

Save-A-Pet takes part in numerous events throughout the community each year. Our dedicated team of volunteers is more than happy to share information about Save-A-Pet, including who we are, what we do, and how you can get involved. A few types of community events that we have participated in include:

  • Farmers Markets
  • Holiday events
  • Expos
  • And more!
If you see our table, please stop by to say hello with your furry friend, and they may even receive a special treat! For a list of upcoming Community Events that Save-A-Pet is participating in, please visit our Event Calendar.

How do I invite Save-A-Pet to our community event?

If you would like to invite Save-A-Pet to be a part of your community event, please email with all of the event details including date, time, location, potential price, and if we are able to have a table or a booth. We will respond back to you as soon as we can!