October 30, 2024
As some of you may know- Batty came to us in September with a fractured femur due to abuse he sustained in his previous home. Save-A-Pet rushed to get Batty to an orthopedic surgeon for surgery to try to repair and the save his leg. Fortunately, the surgery was successful and our wonderful Canine Care staff has been administering physical therapy over the past few weeks, slowly increasing the difficulty level to improve the strength in his leg.
Batty recently had another follow-up appointment with the veterinarian and she is pleased with his progress thus far! So much so that he can return to normal activity over the next 1-2 weeks by increasing leash walks and even starting off leash activity!
Batty is currently available for Foster to Adopt. If you’re interested in Batty, please send an email to either adoptions@saveapetil.org or populations@saveapetil.org.
We want to again extend a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has donated towards Batty! We are now halfway to our goal of $5,000 to cover his medical expenses and we are challenging all of you animal lovers out there to help us raise the other half! To donate, please click this link: https://bit.ly/BattysStory2024
September 17, 2024 ![]()
Batty Update!- Thank you to everyone who has donated and who have been following along with Batty’s progress! We’re so thrilled to report that his physical therapy went so well that he is now able to go on leash walks! Soon he will be heading back to the vet for his follow-up appointment.
The cost of Batty’s surgery and care is going to total $5,000. Currently, thanks to so many wonderful donors, we have been able to raise $1,760 to help Batty, and other animals like him. We are challenging all animal lovers out there to help us meet our goal! To donate, please click this link: https://bit.ly/BattysStory2024
We are still searching for a temporary foster for Batty where he can rest and recover while getting his recommend physical therapy. If you, or someone you know is interested in fostering, please contact populations@saveapetil.org.
September 10, 2024
This little guy has come so far since he first came to us. A few days after his surgery, where he has a pin, plate, and 8 screws placed into his femur, he began physical therapy with our Canine Care staff. They work with him several times a day by helping him slowly begin moving his back leg, while keeping him stabilized. As you can see, all this little guy wants do to is run and play- so holding him back can be a challenge! So much so that he actually wanted to jump around the day after his surgery! He is such a lovebug and the entire Save-A-Pet staff has completely fallen in love with him. Our Canine Care staff and Animal Health staff will continue to provide daily physical therapy to help Batty get even stronger. In a few weeks, he’ll head back to the vet for follow-up x-rays.
We are still looking for a foster family for Batty. He needs a home where he can rest, and recuperate, while getting the physical therapy that he needs. Of course, this would be with guidance from our Populations Coordinator and our Animal Health Department. If you are interested in fostering Batty, please email populations@saveapetil.org for more information.
The cost of Batty’s surgery, daily medical care, and follow-up vet appointments are going to total around $5,000.00, which is a huge expense! We are challenging all you animal lovers out there to help us meet this goal so we can continue to help Batty, and other animals in our care. Every penny counts! To donate, please click here: https://bit.ly/BattysStory2024
September 6, 2024
BATTY UPDATE– It has been a bit since Batty’s surgery and, so far he is doing great! The fracture in his right femur was stabilized with a pin, plate and 8 screws to properly align the bone. As hard as it will be for this active guy, he needs limited activity for the next six weeks. Too much activity too soon could possibly lead to another breakage. This poor guy was also found to have coccidia, which is an intestinal parasite. We started treatment for that right away, and with that, the parasite will be wiped away clean!
Our Animal Health and Canine Care staff have made Batty right at home with soft, soft blankets, safe chew toys, and even his own room! The next step in Batty’s recovery is going to be physical therapy, which will take place either here with our staff, or with a foster family.
In a few weeks’ time, Batty will need to go back to the veterinarian for follow-up radiographs to see how well his leg is healing. We are challenging all you animal lovers to help us with the cost of Batty’s extensive medical bills. Every dollar counts! To donate for Batty, please click here: https://bit.ly/BattysStory2024
September 3, 2024:
Late at night, one of our supporting veterinarians was presented with a sweet 12-week-old husky mix puppy that had been abused. A good Samaritan saw that the puppy was severely injured and took him to the closest emergency vet hospital for care. The veterinarian reached out to Save-A-Pet to see if we could help this brave puppy and now, we need your help too!
We have named him Batty, and upon examination by the vet, she found that the abuse to this puppy was so severe that his femur (thigh bone) fractured. We have started Batty on pain medications and will be getting Batty to see an orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible to see if his leg can be saved. The expenses will be substantial, so we need your financial support and challenge all of you to help us raise $5,000 so we can give Batty and animals like him a chance to slam the door on the past, heal, and never look back. To donate, please click HERE
We will be adding to this blog to keep all of you informed on Batty’s progress. Thank you all so much for your support! Even a little bit goes a long way for these animals who so rely on us for love, and care.